
Photo Essays

Photo Essay By

Cole Brown

“2020 being a 'uniquely challenging year' is the passive descriptor that covers a wide array of events, but paramount of those crises is COVID-19. A major part of my job here at UF Health Jacksonville is capturing photography, and much like other jobs and careers, COVID-19 affected it greatly. Looking back on 2020 now, a large part of me just feels extremely grateful that my employment remained relatively unaffected throughout these long months...”

A few of the pastors and local clergy from churches around the community that UF Health Jacksonville is a part of.

Photo Essay By

Jesse Jones

“Since the beginning of the pandemic, everyone has been forced into some form of isolation: quarantining at home for the healthy or mildly sick and isolating from everyone other than clinical caregivers for those who are severely sick...”

Image from Unit 82, our Medical Intensive Care Unit, illustrating the connection that our staff works to establish with patients in their care

Photo Essay By

Louis Brems

“Covering COIVD-19 for the last year has been a challenge. The limitations of not showing patients or PHI can make things more complicated than usual. Many of the images all start to look the same. Nurses are donning PPE, gathering and administering medications, and transporting patients between units...”

Image of a caregiver and patient in a COVID-19 unit reaching for eachothers hands.