Discovery and Innovation
Core Values Photo Gallery
As the pandemic evolved, UF scientists pivoted, proposing responses big and small — many from makeshift home labs. They mixed hundreds of gallons of hand sanitizer. They 3D printed thousands of nasal swabs. They designed simple, inexpensive ventilators. Engineers teamed up with virologists to understand how COVID-19 spreads through the air. Biostaticians were world leaders in modeling when and where to expect the next outbreak. Tourism and business scholars calculated the pandemic’s impact on Florida’s economy, while education researchers calculated its impact on students and teachers. And through it all, they continued to pursue other avenues of scientific inquiry, breaking records for new proposals and new funding for research, from astronomy to zoology.
2022 Day of Gratitude: Discovery and Innovation Photo Gallery
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Florida Museum photographer Kristen Grace conducts virtual photography instruction with children at a local community center during virtual summer programming. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic combined with a desire to reach underserved members of our community, The Florida Museum of Natural History re-designed summer camp opportunities. The museum was able to purchase camera for several community centers and create free Community Outreach Camps with grant funding from Children’s Trust of Alachua County. The theme was nature photography, and students spent time from their community centers learning how to master the art of nature photography with interactive virtual programming and related basic science concepts. © Florida Museum of Natural History, Photo by Jeff Gage
A counselor from the Boys & Girls Club of Northeast Florida assists a camper with camera settings learned during virtual instruction from Florida Museum photographers and educators. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic combined with a desire to reach underserved members of our community, The Florida Museum of Natural History re-designed summer camp opportunities. The museum was able to purchase camera for several community centers and create free Community Outreach Camps with grant funding from Children’s Trust of Alachua County. The theme was nature photography, and students spent time from their community centers learning how to master the art of nature photography with interactive virtual programming and related basic science concepts. © Florida Museum of Natural History, Photo by Jeff Gage
Masked, distanced, and taking all safety precautions, students took to the classrooms and laboratories as soon as they were allowed back into them. The University of Florida is a world leader in scientific discovery and innovation, and due to the leadership by resilient and adaptable faculty, staff, and students, UF’s excellence as an academic institution was able to persist even through a global pandemic. © 2020 UF/IFAS Communications, Photo by Tyler Jones
The COVID-19 pandemic presented unprecedented challenges to in-person education. To cope with these challenges, the university’s talented staff adapted quickly, innovating and leading in their efforts to discover new methods to deliver the same quality of education as they had prior to the pandemic. UF courses across all disciplines, such as this course in animal reproduction, adopted hybrid in-person and online lectures so that students could successfully learn remotely when necessary. © 2020 UF/IFAS Communications, Photo by Tyler Jones
Even a global pandemic is not without its silver linings. With a nearly deserted campus in the spring of 2020, it wasn’t long before some of UF’s lesser known inhabitants were spotted stalking the streets and basking in the campus meadows. In fact, it was documented nearly everywhere that nature is more reslient than we initially thought, suggesting that that if adequately managed and cared for by humans, the nature we take for granted on a daily basis, can co-exist and possibly thrive alongside mankind. © 2020 UF/IFAS Communications, Photo by Tyler Jones
Early in the pandemic, researchers from across the University of Florida’s Health Sciences Center began working together to test samples for novel coronavirus. Researchers from several different labs and colleges worked together to set up a high throughput PCR testing process in the Emerging Pathogens Institute. © University of Florida, Photo by Jesse S. Jones
Throughout the last two years countless researchers and clinicians in every part of UF’s Academic Health Center and the UF Health hospital system have been constantly working towards improving outcomes of those who contracted COVID-19. The science behind the treatment protocols seemingly changed from week to week, especially in the early portion of the pandemic. As the knowledge gained through research increased, care practices changed and with this UF’s College of Medicine Center for Safety, Simulation & Advanced Learning Technologies worked with clinicians to provide ongoing training in the most current care practice for treatment of COVID patients. This image shows an after action inspection of a medical team member after running a simulation drill to safely intubate COVID-19 patients. © University of Florida, Photo by Jesse S. Jones
The Career Connection Center hosted hands-on workshop experiences led by healthcare professionals for students pursuing careers in healthcare. © 2021 University of Florida Division of Student Affairs, All Rights Reserved
The Career Connection Center hosted hands-on workshop experiences led by healthcare professionals for students pursuing careers in healthcare. © 2021 University of Florida Division of Student Affairs, All Rights Reserved
The Career Connection Center hosted hands-on workshop experiences led by healthcare professionals for students pursuing careers in healthcare. © 2021 University of Florida Division of Student Affairs, All Rights Reserved